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Snow Fall Granite

Snow Fall Granite is a type of granite characterized by its striking appearance, often featuring a white or light-colored background
with varying shades and patterns, including fine grains and specks that can include gray, black, or beige tones.


Snowfall Granite

Snow Fall Granite is a type of granite characterized by its striking appearance, often featuring a white or light-colored background

with varying shades and patterns, including fine grains and specks that can include gray, black, or beige tones. Below are some key

details about Snow Fall Granite:


  • Color: Primarily white with varying hues, such as gray or cream.

  • Texture: Typically polished, which gives it a smooth surface that enhances its appearance.

  • Patterns: Natural variations can include speckles and swirls, making each slab unique.


  • Geographical Source: Snow Fall Granite is sourced from Brazil, one of the world’s largest producers of high-quality granite.


Snow Fall Granite is versatile and can be used for various applications, including:

  • Interior Decor: Ideal for countertops, vanity tops, and indoor flooring.

  • Exterior Decor: Suitable for outdoor walls, pavement, and decoration around pools.

  • Tombstones and Monuments: Due to its durability and aesthetic appeal.

Quality Control

  • Thickness tolerance is typically around +/- 1mm, ensuring precision for construction projects.

  • Polished degree is above 85 degrees, indicating a high-quality finish.

Usage in Design

This granite is favored for both modern and traditional design styles due to its elegant and timeless look, making it a popular choice

among homeowners and designers alike.